Announcing our first volume

In the first semester of the  2015-2016 academic year, the third of Yale-NUS’s young life as a liberal arts college, Dante was taught for the first time. These essays presented here are revisions of the final student projects. Please download it here: dantejournal_sg !

We are proud to present:

Christopher Tee, “Dante’s Addresses to the Reader: A New Way of Seeing and Reading”

Ritika Biswas, “How To Become A Scribe: Art And Humility In The Divine Comedy

Thu Truong, “LA DIVINA MIMESIS: Art in the Terrace of Pride in Divina Commedia

Carmen Denia, “Divine Hunger in Dante’s Purgatorio

Rebecka Lindeberg, “The Middle of the Journey: Dante’s Reversal of Phaethon and Lucifer in Canto 17 of The Divine Comedy

Benson Pang, “Every Tongue Would Surely Fail— The Visual and the Verbal in the Illustrations of the Inferno


Faculty editor: Andrew hui

Student Editors: Carmen Denia (2017) and Thu Truong (2018)



This publication is made possible by a grant from Yale-NUS College’s Centre for Teaching and Learning